R e c e n t N e w s

Private Teaching Hiatus
Friday, July 26, 2019
Erin is taking a hiatus from private teaching to focus on family. She is available for performances.
I don't want to practice!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Here's an old article I saw yesterday on a completely current subject: practicing. Everyone, even adults, have trouble staying consistent with practicing at times. With beginners who are not necessarily making beautiful sounds yet, the reward of playing is not yet intrinsic. This article gives some suggestions of goal-oriented practicing along with some games to make it fun.
Erin & Kevin on Fox 5 News Zip Trip
Friday, June 3, 2016
Kevin and I enjoyed playing for Fox 5 News Zip Trip to Del Ray, our lovely neighborhood. We've enjoyed playing, teaching, and living in this neighborhood for many years (Erin - 7, Kevin - 12), and it was fun to see lots of local businesses and musicians being featured.
New Zealand Tour
Saturday, August 7, 2015
Kevin and I just returned from a wonderful two-week vacation in New Zealand. Our friends Melissa and Matt from Mythica hosted us for part of the time, and we even had the opportunity to play some fiddle duets in Tauranga, Wellington-Picton ferry, and Kaikoura. It was an amazing trip and a wonderful experience to play music on the opposite side of the world! Looking forward to October when Melissa and Matt come over to the States to play a mini Mythica tour.
Mythica Fall US Tour!
Sunday, June 7, 2015
I am SO EXCITED that my band, Mythica, half of whom immigrated to New Zealand eighteen months ago, will be coming back to the US to visit and perform! We will be playing shows along the East Coast in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania in early to mid-October. I've missed playing with this band and I can't wait to see them all again!
What is a good age to start music lessons?
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
I get many inquiries about the right age to start taking music lessons. There's no simple answer to this question of course, as it involves factors such as the child's interest and maturity, the physical capacity to play an instrument, and the context in which music is taught. Music should be introduced in the form of singing and movement from birth through early childhood and beyond. Group classes for toddlers and parents are a wonderful way to introduce children to music at a young age. Learning an instrument in a classroom or private lesson setting is another matter. Most students can begin with music "games" on the piano at age 4 or 5, depending on the child's interest and willingness to play. I prefer to wait until at least age 6 to teach violin, since the physical challenges of the instrument require more defined motor skills. Starting an instrument through an elementary school band or orchestra program adds an additional element of social interaction with other children that is extremely significant. This article offers more insight into the discussion.
Mythica's Farewell Show
Friday, December 6, 2013
It is bittersweet to be playing my final show with Mythica in the US, as Melissa and Matt finalize their plans to move to New Zealand by the end of 2013. I have played with this band for most of the past 9 years, and we have all grown tremendously. Melissa gave me wonderful opportunitites to play her original music at better and better venues over the years, which have been incredibly fun and fulfilling. More importantly, she and Matt are incredible friends and such generous people. I am so excited for their adventure in New Zealand! It has been an honor to play with them and know them, and I will miss them terribly.
Two upcoming shows this weekend!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
I am looking forward to playing two shows with my friend Melissa Cox this weekend! I'll be returning to my grad school stomping grounds at the Hyattsville Arts Festival in the downtown arts district. Melissa and I will perform from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. this Saturday, September 14. Then on Sunday, we head down to Blackstone, Virginia for a performance at the Blackstone Arts and Crafts Festival. It should be a gorgeous weekend weather-wise, and we're looking forward to it! Check out the link below for more information about our full band and our performances.
Balancing Practicing and Homework
Friday, September 6, 2013
My students often complain that they don't have much time to play their instrument at home during the week. (My favorite complaints come from the kindergarteners who have "too much to do!") Here's an article that suggests some ways students can balance their obligations to academics and music.
New Website Launched!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
I am excited to launch my new website! Here you'll find lots of information about my musical background, performances, teaching, and research. I've also included a new section called "Ensembles" if you are looking for music for special events. A more detailed "Weddings" page with music clips and recommendations is in the works.